Thursday, March 20, 2008

Get Reamed Out....and like it!

The other item I had been waiting for in the Elderly package was a peg reamer, and some fiddle pegs to use as tuners. The reamer was most expensive item in making the whole banjo, but hey its a tool so "....its a good investment...." (feel free to use this excuse on your wife if you need to).

This was pretty easy after attaching the head. Drill some pilot holes a tad smaller then the fiddle peg, and then ream out until the peg sticks through to the other side as far as you would like it. I found it helpful to use a scrap piece I had lying in the shop, and once I had the peg as far as I wanted it, marked the reamer with some tape, to know the exact depth to ream each hole.

I don't have a drill press (yet), but i used a drill guide to make sure the holes were square to the peg head.

I was surprised the fiddle pegs had no holes in use a 1/16th inch drill bit and make some more holes while you are at it.

Not painful at all!

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