Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Smoothing the Neck

Once I was able to get the neck sort of the way I wanted it (I didn't use guides or a caliper....just eye balled it, and pretended to play it every so often so I could see if the feel was okay) it was time to smooth it out.

Basically you switch from the rasp to the file, and start taking more roundish sort of motions in your stroke. Make sure to get all the marks left at this stage, as they are much harder to remove with sandpaper later! You'll need a half round file to get into all the little curvy bits.....

I also used the file to round the hand stop, which I just did by eye from the way my tenor banjo looks. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out!

After you get the rasp marks out with the file, then switch to sandpaper (I used grits 60, 120, 220 and then 400). It should be silky smooth by this point, and ready for finishing!

I have to take a break and wait for the fiddle pegs to arrive and also the peg reamer. In the meantime I will fit the the neck to the gourd.

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